Monday, July 14, 2008

Ima cut you

I was gonna write about how my day at work today was but I decided not to. Things between me and blog are still a little touchy. The new worker at my parent's restaurant can't make very good banh mi. That's pronounced baan me for you vietnamese-deprived souls. I was like aye mayng, put less of that in there and more of this in there mayng. Dat's how u do dat. I was all, how you make bad sandwiches? How u do dat? I don't see how Asian people born in America can still be pretty foreign when it comes to english and speaking. How u do dat? Come on. How do you do that? Gook. Sorry. Uncorrect grammar makes me mad. See, like just there. If I were to see that somewhere else it would anger me and I would be like w t f and how are you so bad at grammar and that you should take some ESL classes. I watched some online video of the drummer of Coldplay bantering on about how the d bag singer wouldn't let him lay his solid beats like mp ss chh ss mmp ss ch ss. Instead the guy was like "Aye mayte, come on in take the trolley and stroll on over here and lay down a solid bass line like mp mp mp mp one two three four aye mayte?" and the guy was like "Bloody 'ell I'll do that" except he probably didn't say that. He probably smoked some cigs and mumbled in agreement. So he did it and then lead singer was like "Aye mayte that was top notch, gooday" and the drummer was like "Damnit! Twat!" and was disappointed. Today I took a Microeconomics test on supply and demand and PPF and reverse casualty or something and other stuff. My teacher is pretty good at teaching. On thursday basically my teacher told me if I want to have concrete poured I should go over to the Catholic church because apparently all Mexicans are Catholics and looking for work. He said that when trying to explain inflation and why immigration is bad, when we were talking about supply in demand. What a racist. Some people thought it was funny, though. I was outraged. I am Catholic, but I am not illegal nor am I Mexican nor do I want to pour concrete. I want to be rich, and there ain't no riches in pouring infrastructure. Maybe if I owned that shizz. But then I would be America and that ain't fun. What I would rather be is an aeroplane or something so I could travel around the world and people would ride me all day and be inside me. Pervert. And then when I land people would wash me and I would be shiny then they would inject me with fuel. But I don't want to be one of those aeroplanes that blow up, because I don't like blowing of any nature. Except when you blow on your soup to make it warm enough so it doesn't burn your tongue or mouth. My neighbor warned me about the pinata debris in my backyard because they had a pinata party and didn't want my dog to eat the candy and that I should check it out just in case my dog ate the candy but how would I check it out if my dog already ate the candy since the party was saturday even though she meant to come earlier but sorry she didn't she just forgot to and now she wanted to tell me while I was washing my car. There is a neon green leg or something though. My dog didn't eat that. I've got to find Principles of Microconomics 4th Edition by ____ Mankiw. I wish we were in the Matrix except we didn't have space octopi constantly attacking us all I want is where they inject you with whatever knowledge you want like how I want to be injected with fuel once I become an aeroplane but anyways then I could learn BJJ and then beat someone up all fast but once they learn it also then I can be like hey jerk I insta-learn how to beat you with a bat then beat you with a bat and then fly away like Neo who was supposed to be played by Will Smith but instead the other guy played him. Keanu Reeves. Okay bye. Love you.


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