Tuesday, August 26, 2008

G'day mate

1. School starts Wednesday.
2. You make me merry, make me very very happy du du du da du du du du.
3. Olympics is over, ETA London Olympics: 4 years.
4. I am bored.
5. I need to get textbooks.
6. Du du du da du du du du du du.
7. Internship ended ~2-3 weeks ago. Wrote a pro blog about it in the other blog.
8. Microeco summer school ended ~2-3 weeks ago. Got an A, crushed Quy (aka Kweh 70 rogue scrub PvE Greymane server FULL SEASON 3 GEAR 1800 RATING!!!!! (It's season 4 now).) gradewise.
9. I want to travel. England France Netherlands Canada etc.
10. I want those green and yellow dunk hi's.
11. Should sleep soon.
12. Quy is a punk; no bros before hoes for him.
13. Scion backpack on my back soon.
14. I thought Forgetting Sarah Marshall was good. Kristen Bell was a b, but she's aite.
15. She could do the alphabet backwards without any mistakes.
16. I don't like eating mexican food for brunch after a night of shenanigans.
17. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever eva.
18. I like Kate Nash. Her songs are whack, and she's a cutie. I like her covers. I'd like to cover her with something.
19. New Academy Is... CD still doesn't live up to the first one.
20. I turned 20 Saturday. Yay me. Two decades and I don't know what to do with the rest.
21. doolb har har
22. Lost my umbrella in a hotel one night.
23. Some cunt lick dinged my car, deep scratch on back passenger.
24. Need job, willing to sell body.
25. Not willing to sell body.
26. Procrastinating sleep.
27. This is a waste of time. Subtitle ^
28. Summer over soon, heat dying. Cold yes.
29. Almost to 30.
30. At 30.
31. One past 30.
32. Needs to save money for travel + goods.
33. Needs more than the materialistic.
34. Wants to get back into shape, run for more than five minutes.
35. Needs to not look like a 15 year old.
36. Don't know if anyone reads this.
37. Thinks majoring in something is possibly not as important as one thinks.
38. Wants iPod Touch and not first gen 2GB iPod Nano.
39. Gotsta wait for next gen iPod Touch (~1 month) to buy.
40. Need more music on WinAmp playlist.

Until next time.

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