Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shifts of the massive persuasion

Oh, how things have changed since the last post. The full-time internship? Now a full-time job come June 21. Student? Wrong - graduate. Time flies. Light speed. God speed.

Maybe I'll start writing more often - about the things I like, the things I don't like, and everything in between.

I absolutely cannot wait for the Austin City Limits Music Festival this year. The Strokes? Spoon? Muse? etc, etc. The last time I saw Julian Casablancas the show was amazing. I can't wait to hear the full band play new songs. I hope they also play You Only Live Once.

Alright, done.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Strange Feeling

I have this strange feeling inside of me. Within the exterior walls, I feel light. I'm not quite sure why, maybe it's because of what happened today.

Today I woke up, went through the motions and went to class. I had an exam today. It wasn't particularly easy, nor was it hard. It was challenging. I liked it. But what was once a relaxed body became tense, almost uneasy. Not because of the test, but because of decision making. Looking forward is freaky.

I got a call today. I was offered an internship; full-time. I was excited. And anxious. Full-time is what will consume me in a year's time. But I do like what I do. I just don't like how much life I am going to use on civilization. I want to be free. But at the same time, civilization keeps me ... I don't know what it keeps me. Busy? Why do I want to be busy? Productive? That's all relative. I know I don't want to be a nobody. Nobody wants to be a nobody. It scares the hell out of me. The feeling of accomplishment is good.

I got another call today. A non-profit wants to talk to me about an internship. It is very noble to work for a non-profit. These are the people that help other people directly and wholeheartedly. It's the humanity that drives them. Compassion - what some people lack today. Life needs to take a class in ethics and moral values. Maybe not mine, but maybe mine. Maybe everyone.

This is supposed to make me feel better. It did for a minute, then I read over what I just wrote and now I feel weird again.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

G'day mate

1. School starts Wednesday.
2. You make me merry, make me very very happy du du du da du du du du.
3. Olympics is over, ETA London Olympics: 4 years.
4. I am bored.
5. I need to get textbooks.
6. Du du du da du du du du du du.
7. Internship ended ~2-3 weeks ago. Wrote a pro blog about it in the other blog.
8. Microeco summer school ended ~2-3 weeks ago. Got an A, crushed Quy (aka Kweh 70 rogue scrub PvE Greymane server FULL SEASON 3 GEAR 1800 RATING!!!!! (It's season 4 now).) gradewise.
9. I want to travel. England France Netherlands Canada etc.
10. I want those green and yellow dunk hi's.
11. Should sleep soon.
12. Quy is a punk; no bros before hoes for him.
13. Scion backpack on my back soon.
14. I thought Forgetting Sarah Marshall was good. Kristen Bell was a b, but she's aite.
15. She could do the alphabet backwards without any mistakes.
16. I don't like eating mexican food for brunch after a night of shenanigans.
17. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever eva.
18. I like Kate Nash. Her songs are whack, and she's a cutie. I like her covers. I'd like to cover her with something.
19. New Academy Is... CD still doesn't live up to the first one.
20. I turned 20 Saturday. Yay me. Two decades and I don't know what to do with the rest.
21. doolb har har
22. Lost my umbrella in a hotel one night.
23. Some cunt lick dinged my car, deep scratch on back passenger.
24. Need job, willing to sell body.
25. Not willing to sell body.
26. Procrastinating sleep.
27. This is a waste of time. Subtitle ^
28. Summer over soon, heat dying. Cold yes.
29. Almost to 30.
30. At 30.
31. One past 30.
32. Needs to save money for travel + goods.
33. Needs more than the materialistic.
34. Wants to get back into shape, run for more than five minutes.
35. Needs to not look like a 15 year old.
36. Don't know if anyone reads this.
37. Thinks majoring in something is possibly not as important as one thinks.
38. Wants iPod Touch and not first gen 2GB iPod Nano.
39. Gotsta wait for next gen iPod Touch (~1 month) to buy.
40. Need more music on WinAmp playlist.

Until next time.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ima cut you

I was gonna write about how my day at work today was but I decided not to. Things between me and blog are still a little touchy. The new worker at my parent's restaurant can't make very good banh mi. That's pronounced baan me for you vietnamese-deprived souls. I was like aye mayng, put less of that in there and more of this in there mayng. Dat's how u do dat. I was all, how you make bad sandwiches? How u do dat? I don't see how Asian people born in America can still be pretty foreign when it comes to english and speaking. How u do dat? Come on. How do you do that? Gook. Sorry. Uncorrect grammar makes me mad. See, like just there. If I were to see that somewhere else it would anger me and I would be like w t f and how are you so bad at grammar and that you should take some ESL classes. I watched some online video of the drummer of Coldplay bantering on about how the d bag singer wouldn't let him lay his solid beats like mp ss chh ss mmp ss ch ss. Instead the guy was like "Aye mayte, come on in take the trolley and stroll on over here and lay down a solid bass line like mp mp mp mp one two three four aye mayte?" and the guy was like "Bloody 'ell I'll do that" except he probably didn't say that. He probably smoked some cigs and mumbled in agreement. So he did it and then lead singer was like "Aye mayte that was top notch, gooday" and the drummer was like "Damnit! Twat!" and was disappointed. Today I took a Microeconomics test on supply and demand and PPF and reverse casualty or something and other stuff. My teacher is pretty good at teaching. On thursday basically my teacher told me if I want to have concrete poured I should go over to the Catholic church because apparently all Mexicans are Catholics and looking for work. He said that when trying to explain inflation and why immigration is bad, when we were talking about supply in demand. What a racist. Some people thought it was funny, though. I was outraged. I am Catholic, but I am not illegal nor am I Mexican nor do I want to pour concrete. I want to be rich, and there ain't no riches in pouring infrastructure. Maybe if I owned that shizz. But then I would be America and that ain't fun. What I would rather be is an aeroplane or something so I could travel around the world and people would ride me all day and be inside me. Pervert. And then when I land people would wash me and I would be shiny then they would inject me with fuel. But I don't want to be one of those aeroplanes that blow up, because I don't like blowing of any nature. Except when you blow on your soup to make it warm enough so it doesn't burn your tongue or mouth. My neighbor warned me about the pinata debris in my backyard because they had a pinata party and didn't want my dog to eat the candy and that I should check it out just in case my dog ate the candy but how would I check it out if my dog already ate the candy since the party was saturday even though she meant to come earlier but sorry she didn't she just forgot to and now she wanted to tell me while I was washing my car. There is a neon green leg or something though. My dog didn't eat that. I've got to find Principles of Microconomics 4th Edition by ____ Mankiw. I wish we were in the Matrix except we didn't have space octopi constantly attacking us all I want is where they inject you with whatever knowledge you want like how I want to be injected with fuel once I become an aeroplane but anyways then I could learn BJJ and then beat someone up all fast but once they learn it also then I can be like hey jerk I insta-learn how to beat you with a bat then beat you with a bat and then fly away like Neo who was supposed to be played by Will Smith but instead the other guy played him. Keanu Reeves. Okay bye. Love you.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sorry baby, I didn't mean to.

I just hit enter on accident and I posted my entry with nothing but the title. People would get confused, then it would get silly. So here it is:

Truth is honey, I've got another blog. I didn't mean for it to be this way at first, but it happened. It's name is Open Labs Blog. I know, I'm such a man slut. But I couldn't help myself. I got this internship and the blog forced itself on me. I couldn't resist, so I made a post. I'm so sorry; I hope we can still write nonsensical gibberish together. If it makes you feel any better, I bragged in my post on the other blog about how pro I was with you. So where do we go from here? My baby's got the bends, and I don't know what to do. I hope this post makes you feel better. Where do we go from here? We do some crazy ass solo, then we sing the bridge and kind of chorus. Sorry you can't be apart of the human race, you're a blog. Blogs can't do nothin' cept be blogs. I can be what I want. That is the way it is. Let's spoon. Uh, I mean RSS. Really Simple Spoonage.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Who Did You Think I Was

Probably no one. Probably a guy named Albert Le. Probably thought that was a song title. I'm supposed to post a resume somewhere on this blog, but I can't find the "additional information" section in the "about me" section. Does that make me anti-internet savvy? I don't know. Instead of doing my American Lit journals I'm procrastinating by writing another blog entry. I've already done three other ones with like a billion words in it. That's a lot more than 500. Next week I've got a lot of stuff to do. Tomorrow I've got to get an oil change (the oilometer (i know that's not what it's called) says it's at 30%, and if it gets to 20% my brother will beat me with the oil stick(jk(i hope))). So I'm thinking I'll go after my American Lit class. I thought about going before my PR class but then I'd have to wake up at 9 and i'll be groggy and yell in my car but then I'll get relaxed by Shutt[ing] [My] Eyes. Then Open[ing] [My] Eyes. Then having Hands Open and I'll set fire to something. And I'll Make This Go On Forever if you want me to, too. Do I try too hard with this? Probably. Next week I've got to take an advertising test, a PR test, a French examen auditif, and do an American Lit journal conference that I haven't started. I hope my professor doesn't read this. My American Lit one that is. This post sucks. Bye.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Set Fire to the Something Something

Third Ward. That's the song I'm listening to, by Snow Patrol featuring Martha Wainwright. She's a pretty good singer, she has pretty good songs also but it's not in my taste of music. It's more folk than anything. I'm pretty bored right now, I have a PR test tomorrow on the four-step something process. It's over the first two steps, defining the problem and planning and programming. Last night someone named Crystal(?) called me, from UT but I wasn't home so I got the message that Crystal called at 8:11PM. Except I don't know a Crystal, and I don't know how to get in touch with this Crystal character and this post-it note is useless. Snow Patrol did an Abbey Road version of this song, it's favorited on my YouTube account. I won't tell you my account name though, so you can't go watch it. Don't search for it, that will ruin what I've done. Last weekend I went to a GrammyU thing with Jason, it was pretty good I guess. I need to call someone to get an interview for an internship. One of the guys who was presenting stuff at a workshop told my friend to "shut the hell up", and I thought that was funny. I played with an Open Labs MiKo something or other, that was pretty fun. There was this Dalai Lama program where you could make him "chant" something in different tones and pitches and stuff. It was pretty funny at first, but then this girl and guy kept messing with it then it got old. I wonder if the Dalai Lama is thinking "what the F#*$?!" because I would. I wouldn't want someone dragging a cursor all over the monitor sporadically while holding down the mouse1 button for the sole purpose of entertaining themselves by making a computerized image of me chant at various pitches all while making my face squint and relax and repeat. Another good song is Another Kind of Green - John Mayer Trio. On Wikipedia it says he wrote almost all of his songs for his John Mayer Trio album or Continuum (I forgot which one) in about two weeks. That's pretty crazy. I wish I had a lyric book, or the creativity, or the guts to break out of the social norm to pursue a music career. But I suck. I wish I could have my own model of a Fender Stratocaster also. Maybe I can win the lottery and donate the money and they'll make an "American Fender Stratocaster Albert Le limited edition guitar in Olympic White, Sunburst, and Black" guitar for me. But then they would make me learn guitar and I wouldn't like it that much. I would just pay them some more and then they'll make a Squier edition one with my face inscribed on the pickguard. If I could Photoshop well I would show you what that would look like but I don't have it and I don't want to illegally download it and install it on my computer. But you can go to my first post, take that picture I posted, outline it on a sheet of paper, then use a razor blade to carve it into a Squier stratocaster at GuitarCenter, then you'll know what it looks like. If they ask you what the hell you're doing to their guitar and that you'll have to pay for it because you vandalized it and then you have to get the hell out of their store and never come back again say it's alright, because Albert Le will donate money to Fender one day. I'll probably only give like five dollars though, because I'm poor. I was just going to type how much money I put in the collection basket at church a week ago but I don't want to be vain and brag about how my five dollars changed the world because it was doubled by a generous beneficiary but I don't want to be vain so I won't say. The movie Se7en is pretty good. Brad Pitt is like 10th cousins once or twice removed to Obaminator or Clintron. I forgot which one. One of them is also related to someone else but I forgot who. I was walking on the Drag today after my advertising class, and this homeless man (not hobo, that isn't politically correct or good mannered edit: well-mannered) asked this asian guy (not me, I swear) to help him out with some change, and he ignored him and walked on. I was sure he heard him, because I was pretty close also. Then a WaMu employee came out and told him to move along sir, you can't stand in front of this store and do that. A couple of nights ago I went to go eat with Quy Ma (Aka Deina, 70 female gnome rogue US PVP Chromaggus tier 4/5 gear full s1 partial s2 gear 1500/1600 ratings more than two months of playtime) and Jason (Aka guy who wears thrift store vests) at McDonald's at like 9:30 or so and when we were leaving this old black guy (politically incorrect to call them African Americans. who said they are all of African descent? racist.) came up to us, well me, and asks me for change because his car ran out of gas and his friend is making up excuses and hold on baby I'm talking to someone alright and he's a grandfather and needs some gas and gets mad when I said no sorry I used all of my money buying a number one and sharing half a ten piece chicken nugget box with Deina.
I helped up a homeless man once, it was scary. On Saturday after I got back from going somewhere with man-with-thrift-store-vests a girl's dog runs in his apartment and she comes in and takes her dog away and apologizes. The Dalai Lama has his own website, I forgot to mention it when I was talking about him. He's better than I am, I only have this blog. But I have a cool v-neck that I bought last week. I'm going to wear it at an unspecified time this week. It'll be a surprise; you guys can see my sternum. I hear that's the new aphrodisiac. I don't know how long this is. The end.